Tag Archives: Scientific Method

The Predictive Power of Christianity

#626 | It seems much of apologetics is retrofitting, claiming Christianity is the best answer for past or present events. Science is more about the future. Does Christianity outperform science in predictive power? Shouldn’t it if it reflects reality? How can we test this?

When Divine Promises Encounter Reality

#417 | Covid19 provides a fertile opportunity to demonstrate that the earthly promises of God to Christians are true. How might we rigorously go about testing/demonstrating God’s hand in these events such as His judgment/protection in light of what He has promised?

For this dialogue, we might first list all the earthly promises God has given Christians. It appears that, as the scrutiny of science expands, there are fewer and fewer such promises found in the Bible. Can this be coherently explained.

Does Science Require Knowledge of Ontological Primitives?

#379 | Why is certain knowledge of the fabric of the substrate that constitutes our reality necessary (as some theists claim) as long as it manifests consistently? Is not predictability quite sufficient to conduct a rational exploration of our world? How can it be coherently claimed non-theists can’t rationally do science?

Induction provides a very good foundation to science. If you disagree based on your understanding of “the problem of induction”, then this may be a great place to initiate a conversation on this issue.