Tag Archives: Assumption

Sneaking an Elephant into your Bedroom

#404 | Before asking “Why did God X?” is it not more honest to ask “Why would any actual God X?” first? If you first assume God, any phenomenon can be excused away as “arrogantly questioning God”. Is the arrogance not actually with those assuming a God and ignoring the second question?

The Vanishing Claims of Pestilence as Judgment

#392 | Was it justified to believe pandemics were judgment from God all the way up until the advent of the statistical science that falsified the notion? Are we epistemically justified in invoking God as the cause of event X until science demonstrates a more reasonable explanation?

The Tactic of Divining ‘Actual’ Beliefs

#376 | What is the name of the following tactic?
— “If you just listen for it, you’ll hear the contradiction every single time.”
(Greg Koukl claiming moral nihilists are secret moralists)
— “If you just listen for it, you’ll hear the racism every single time”
(The left claiming Christians are secret racists)