Category Archives: Alleged Morality

Addressing the claim there is a moral realm distinguishable from normal human emotions and related values.

Confused Causal Dynamics?

#644 | Amy: “How could Christianity have changed the ethics of society if it came from the ethics of society? It’s impossible!” < Isn’t this confusion on causal dynamics? 
{common emotions > common social expectations > religions crystalizing around those expectations}

The Classical Christian View

#641 | The classical Christian view on homosexuals is that they should be killed. How do STR and God feel about this move away from the millennia-long classical view to a liberal view in which homosexuals are allowed to live their lives without fear of lethal retribution?

Greg Koukl often refers to the “classical Christian view“, and considers it worth preserving.

Do Gods Evolve to Reflect Societal Standards?

#619 | Amy: “This idea that we create Gods to match our morality…doesn’t seem to be the case.” Gods clearly co-evolve with cultural mores. Review the non-lethal punishments the Church now assigns adultery, heresy, witchcraft, and bad kids. Has the Church been static?

What STR Staff call “morality” distills to blind obedience to the Bible’s God once scrutinized.

Misattributed Moral Intuitions?

#534 | Given we have a moral intuition that runs against God’s will (such as wanting to save Amalekite infants from being hacked to pieces), can we not recategorize that misattributed intuition as simply an emotion and not from God? And can we distinguish between the 2 without the Bible?

To what degree can we trust what Christians call our moral intuitions if our innate desire to protect the Amalekite infants is actually a sin worthy of Hell-fire?

Pragmatic or Moral Wrong?

#523 | A majority of apologists will acknowledge the distinction between moral wrong and pragmatic wrong, yet, will later equivocate, claiming nonbelievers acknowledge a particular behavior is [unqualified] “wrong”. The omission of the qualifier seems intentional. Is it?

In other words, why do apologists ask questions such as “You know X is wrong” and do not simply add a disambiguating qualifier such as in “morally wrong” or “pragmatically wrong”?

Self-Inflicted Blind Spot

#366 | Doesn’t the existence of the many moral anti-realists falsify Greg’s constant claim “We‘re all commonsense realists when it comes to morality. We betray our commitment to genuine moral truth.” Why ignore those who consistently hold there is no actual moral realm in which moral facts can reside?