Tag Archives: Morality

Do Gods Evolve to Reflect Societal Standards?

#619 | Amy: “This idea that we create Gods to match our morality…doesn’t seem to be the case.” Gods clearly co-evolve with cultural mores. Review the non-lethal punishments the Church now assigns adultery, heresy, witchcraft, and bad kids. Has the Church been static?

What STR Staff call “morality” distills to blind obedience to the Bible’s God once scrutinized.


#551 | The Bible clearly claims the law is written on our hearts. What exactly would the world look like if this were true and if it were not true? Is this not an easy claim to substantiate? Why so much Christian disagreement on proper conduct? Does “written“ mean “scribbled”?

Risking Hell To Save a Sister

#421 | Based on the “hierarchy of moral absolutes” introduced by Greg Koukl, is the Amalekite boy, having seen the real God in the “things which are made”, culpable for lying to save his infant sister from the Israelite sword? Would God not be pleased with his presenting his sister to the Israelite soldiers to be killed as God directly commanded them?

The Faith Cart before the Assessment Horse

#394 | If morality reduces to obeying the God we have chosen, even if that God asks us to commit an abhorrent act such as hacking infants into pieces as in the case of the Amalekite infants, how can we assess prior to choosing that God whether that God is “moral”?

Note: This is an reductio ad absurdum argument that doesn’t assume the existence of morality.